About us
The story of what would be in a future partnership REMADOIRA began in what was formerly in San Gregorio beach, in Coia (Vigo). In these funds about four meters deep, a dorn was a cap, buried in mud, 7,50 meters in length and 2,30 sleeved. This was a type of dorn’s at the beginning of the twentieth century were about 7 being from Cambados. It was de latest development in the construction of de dorn, and the first to disappear because at that time was already beginning to de motorized boats, and this type of boats did not allow her an easy way of motorization.
Someone told us why that is not tent recover since it was pity that would have been lost this type of craft. Thus, giving twists and turns to this suggestion, began a project long and laborious restoration. It was not an easy task, since the dorn was in very poor condition while maintaining its basics elements. Always maintaining the original fasquia boat and after two years of hard and exhausting, not least companionship, the finish was achieved dorn.
This was the beginning of a new construction project of two octopus dorns, according to a fasquia already disappeared wich would lead us to understand that we were prepared fo what would b our next goal, the creation of an association. At the end of the year 2003 begins a path wich will result in the creation fo partnerships with tel aim of recovering a part of maritime heritage an encourage this lost culture. With some very clear purpose and desire to work, at the dawn of 2004 comes as the association REMADORIA.
Since then, members of this small association are working tirelessly fo the growth of seafaring family in these lands.
The association has these purposes:
a) The promotion and dissemintaion of historical and cultural heritage sea of Galicia, in the field expressed in any of its aspects, with special emphasis on the traditional sailing.
b) The recovery, rehabilitation and preservation of traditional craft specific to each area of galician field in general.
c) The collaboration with other association which have similar goals and philosophies, without prejudice to concrete and specific partherships with entities belonging to the maritime-fishing sector.
Actually the association has 17 boats. All of them are traditional or clasics boats, that were using for fishing or race. All of them are made of wood and use sail. Also some have got an outboard engine like auxilar.