Overlaped Dorn, of 4,5 meters lenght.
[singlepic id=49 w=240 h=180 float=left] The Teis is a typical fishing dorn of 4,5 meters length. It was constructed in Aguiño (Santa Uxia de Ribeira), in Domingo Ayaso’s carpentry, remaining ended in May of the year 1996. It was prepared to sail with galician traditional sail.
[singlepic id=51 w=240 h=180 float=right] Originally the mast was of pine oregón, but it broke in the second race that was taking part. It was replaced by a new mast made of Galician pine, with which even it sails.
It was constructed overlaped and with the vertical stem. Also, she has a continuous deck , with mast-hole, staying the bank hidden under the deck. For the access to the compartment of bow it has a hatchway.
[singlepic id=54 w=240 h=180 float=left] That summer, it joins the newborn CULTURAL ASSOCIATION LAJAREU FOR WINDWARD, of Santa Uxía de Ribeira. In this association the dorn took part in many races in Arousa Bay. In the first two years the dorn was painted with pine tar. Later it made up with the appearance more typical; the sides in black, the underbody in white and the deck in red. Inside only was painted with pine tar.
[singlepic id=55 w=260 h=200 float=right] In the summer of the year 2001, the dorn moves by road up to Chapela, in Vigo Bay, dropping anchor in Arealonga’s beach. In the anchoring-place it was covered with a tent that protected the deck and the apparels.
[singlepic id=57 w=140 h=200 float=left] At the end of the year 2007 it joins the fleet of the Cultural Association REMADOIRA. Nothing more to enter we began the works of restoration; the whole painting was extracted, 3 frames were repaired, it was modified the plug of stern and the second bank of the upper stern, there was repaired the hatchway of bow, keel and stem adjusted and it was re-caulked with sicaflex.
Finally it was painted with pine tar and linseed oil, in the upperworks, and priming and white antifouling in the underbody [singlepic id=68 w=260 h=200 float=left]
In spring of 2009 the stem is repaired. Because of a collision with another dorn, happened some years ago during a race in Ribeira, the dorn did a crack in the stem. Even that the damage wasn’t important, the step of the time did that this crack was making bigger and was advancing up, traversing the risk of breaking the piece, for what we decided to replace it by a new one.